Day 132 - Last Day Aboard the Nautilus

Over the course of my trip, I have slowly indulged in the famous French adventure novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. 


Captain Nemo guided me through the seven seas, while I gently trod upon the soil.


But as Professor Arronax and his companions experienced loneliness and isolation while held captive, I discovered love and companionship as I willingly traversed the land.


Yet like my brothers below, the fate of my travels and its destination, depended upon forces outside my control.


At mid afternoon, I took a break from my audiobook to contemplate the horizon, catch up on my blog, and release what would be my final "Sunday Serenade." 


I picked my pack back up and began hiking, but soon discovered a now familiar discomfort, that had slowly been intensifying over the past few days. 

I hiked on into the setting sun, completing the book an hour before sundown. It was an abrupt and unexpected ending, with Arronax and company being thrown overboard amidst a maelstrom and miraculously being rescued off the Norwegian coast. 


I listened to a few of Aesop's fables during my last hour of hiking, and took particular interest in the story of the fox and the grapes.


I reached the south shore of Summit Lake as the sky completed its darkening, and was grateful to find Britt there with camp set up. 

I took off my pack off for what would be the last time and achingly laid down upon my sleeping pad while Britt prepared our last supper.

I did not know this would be my last night on the trail.


<3 Will

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